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Dorong Ambon Tertib Arsip, Walikota Tandatangani Komitmen
EduBirdie Review Human Rights The Impact of Human Right on Globalization Report (Assessment)
Founding: Definition of the Two Notions Globalisation became one of the nigh combustion issues various decades ago. Researchers birth been talk almost the shape of globalisation on dissimilar aspects of people’s lives. Naturally, many citizenry fit that globalisation has had sure effects on the maturation of hum rights drive. Advertizing…
Jadi Kota Satelit, Indeks Literasi Digital Ambon Capai Skala Tinggi
Pedagang Pasar di Kota Ambon Antusias Ikuti Vaksinasi Massal Covid 19

Ambon, PPID – Pedagang pasar di Kota Ambon, beramai – ramai ikuti Vaksinasi Massal Covid 19, yang diselenggarakan Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Ambon, Kamis, (18/3/2021) di Pasar Mardika. Dari hasil pantauan, sejak dibuka pagi hingga hampir tengah hari, sudah lebih dari 500 orang pedagang yang menerima suntikan vaksin.