Private Child Custody Agreement Template

C. Parents may not use exchange time to discuss child-related disputes, their own adult disputes, or their legal proceedings. F. Notification of the parent`s current address. Each parent must inform the other at all times of their current home address, telephone numbers (at home and at work), the children`s school, and the location of a place where the children will spend a longer period of four days or more. ☐ Both parties waive their participation in any applicable Central Depository payment program or the payment of child support by a court clerk, direct deposit program or other third party (the “Central Depository”); therefore, payments do not have to be made through the CSD and must be made directly to the eligible party. In the event of late payment or other difficulties encountered by the receiving Party, either Party may subsequently request the CSD to activate participation and to have child support paid through the CSD if it becomes necessary to secure or receive payments made under this Agreement. Custody gives a parent the right to make decisions about their child`s life. When parents share custody of their children, they must make decisions together about the child`s upbringing, medical care and other aspects of their upbringing. ☐ The first parent may not leave the current country of residence with the minor child for any reason without the express written consent of the second parent or a court order.

The parties acknowledge that the child support agreement is not legally binding until it has been approved by a court order. D. Both parents have as much extra parenting time with the children as the parents can agree. ☐ Have minor children. Parents are the parents or guardians of the following minor children: (Use if only one parent has custody of the minor child) The best parenting plan for your family depends on factors such as. B the distance at which both parents live separately and the functioning of the exchange. As a general rule, in cases of joint custody, the goal is to allow each parent to spend the same time with their child(ren) without disturbing the child`s physical and emotional needs. The result will be a professional document that demonstrates your competence as a parent and ensures your child`s future. [CHILD`S NAME], born on [date of birth] (the two children hereinafter collectively referred to as “the children”), and your parental consent must include all the information you and the other parent need to raise your child after separation. ☐ The first parent has custody. The parties agree that the first parent will have primary custody of the minor child, subject to the second parent`s access rights, as set forth herein. Application for custody and support of minor children useful websites – state court – forms etc.

. – Central Court County Law Library Jurisdiction Website – Legislation/Codes. Joint custody means that the parents share custody equally. If our custody agreement template doesn`t help you enter into a joint custody agreement with your co-parent for your benefit of your child, the next step is to seek the help of a qualified family law attorney to determine what is in your child`s best interests under California law. F. No corporal punishment. Each parent is ordered and prevented from imposing physical (corporal) punishment of any kind on children or from allowing third parties to do so. If you and the other parent agree on the plan, you can present it to the court and the judge will almost always approve it. If you and the other parent do not cooperate with the agreement, you will be brought to justice. Fill in the names and contact information of both parents, as well as the names and dates of birth of all children.

The parties agree that (Check one) ☐ First Parent ☐ Second Parent will claim the minor child on their federal, state and local tax returns. ☐ In the event of an emergency, serious illness or accident, or any other circumstance that seriously affects the health and general well-being of the minor child, the party that has physical possession or control of the minor child at that time will immediately inform the other party of such circumstances. The notified party has immediate access to the minor child and/or the right to communicate by telephone with the minor child. This agreement covers all the essential details of how parents will raise their children together. First, the document addresses the issue of custody as follows: 1) Children should not be left alone without age-appropriate supervision. 2) Parents must provide each other with the name, address and telephone number of regular child care providers. Your parenting plan becomes a court order after it is signed by both of you, signed by the judge, and submitted to court. Create a parenting plan that is in the best interest of your children. If both parents are active in their children`s lives and don`t argue about custody and visitation plans, the children will usually fare much better. Change is difficult for children. ☐ Each party has the right to obtain complete and detailed information from all paediatricians, doctors, dentists, consultants or specialists who care for the minor child for any reason and to provide copies of all reports submitted to the other party upon written request. Each party has the right to complete and detail the information of all teachers, schools, summer camps or other institutions that the child attends or with which he or she may be associated in any way.

Keep in mind that as children grow and their needs and schedules change, you can revise parenting plans accordingly at any time. Public holidays (“odd” years). The Father shall have access to the children on subsequent holidays during the first year (1) of this Agreement and all other odd-numbered years of this Agreement. Here are some common examples of joint custody education plans: ☐ Both parties acknowledge that they are fully informed of their rights under state law and that the level of child support has been mutually agreed, although it differs from the applicable state child support guidelines. The parties agree that the agreed amount of family allowances is in the best interests of the minor child. B. Each year, each parent with the children can take up to 7 days of vacation, for no more than 7 consecutive days at a time. E. No exposure to second-hand smoke. Children will not be exposed to second-hand smoke, including but not limited to cigarettes, marijuana, hookah or vaping.

Children are not exposed to any form of second-hand smoke in a parent`s home or car. J. In all other matters of joint custody, the parents may act alone, provided that the act does not conflict with the child custody orders. One. This court is the competent court to make custody decisions under the UCCJEA; By tracking your visit time, you know how well the schedule works and is being followed. If you`re having frequent problems, you may need to change the schedule. And if the actual parenting time is very different from the expected time, your child support could change. 2. The parties shall have joint custody of the children ….

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